Wine and culinary delights

The 300 days of sunshine a year are caught in the grapes in Burgenland and the numerous winegrowers and wineries ensure with their fine wines that connoisseurs’ hearts beat faster all year round. Wine and culinary delights are also celebrated at many festivals in all regions throughout the year. From the wine spring in April to many farm festivals in summer to the storm season and the “Martiniloben” in November. In the run-up to Christmas, the Advent markets with culinary temptations and lots of handicrafts are definitely worth a visit! There’s always something to celebrate and plenty to enjoy!

The next dates: *Joiser Genusswandern „500 JAHRE WEINPRIVILEG”: geführte Wanderung, ganzjährig gegen Voranmeldung +43 650 223 07 33 *Spezialführung „WEIN & ESTERHÁZY“ im Schloss Esterházy. Wann: 23.03., 07.07. und 20.10.2024 jeweils um 10:30 Uhr *Bauernmarkt, jeden Freitag von 9-12:30 Uhr in Neusiedl am See (vor dem Rathaus) *Ruster Weinschätze: Die Ruster Weinbauern öffnen ihre Kellertouren. 26.-28. April 13-19 Uhr. *Woodstock Weinroas in Illmitz, 26.-28. 04.2024 *Podersdorfer Weinfrühling, 26.-28. 04.2024 *Weidener Weinfrühling, 26.-28. 04.2024 Nähere Infos unter alle Veranstaltungen: Nordburgenland (

The events listed are various providers and organizers. Therefore, please pay attention to short-term changes to the respective event (depending on the weather).