Vienna › Pratermuseum Wien
“The history of the Prater tells the story of many Viennese.”
Hardly any other amusement park is as strongly linked to the city’s identity as the “Wurstelprater” is to Vienna. More than 250 years ago, the first amusements were offered. To this day, it remains one of the city’s most popular leisure attractions. As one of Vienna’s first public wooden buildings, the NEW Prater Museum, right next to the Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel, will become a model for the integration of ecological and social sustainability.
On three levels, the history and present of the Prater is illuminated by means of central objects. The foyer, which can be used for events, is freely accessible without admission and invites visitors to cross the building from one side of the street to the other – past the panoramic picture.
Travelharry Info: Die Ausstellungsbereiche und Sanitäranlagen sind für Rollstühle und Kinderwagen zugänglich. Zusätzlich gibt es taktile Bodeninformationen und taktile QR-Codes, mit Informationen für blinde und sehbeinträchtige Menschen. Es wird ein Rundgang beschrieben.
Opening hours
Tuesday-Sunday 11am-6pm
Closed: 01.01., 01.05 and 25.12.
Entrance fee: € 8.00 / reduced € 6.00. Free admission for everyone under 19 years of age and every first Sunday of the month
Copyright @ Wien Museum-Pratermuseum 2024