
Picnic time

The sun is shining from the sky, everything is blooming, the birds are chirping happily, a well-filled basket and a cozy picnic spot: What more do you need to be happy on a beautiful day?

From the Augarten to the Hilmteich to the banks of the Mur, Burggarten or Stadtpark, Graz invites you to take a break and enjoy the delicacies from one of the farmers’ markets. Either you pack the basket yourself or have it filled, for example, in the GenussLaden Gut Schlossberg (at the foot of Schlossberg 2).

Travelharry tips for special picnic lovers: Gourmet picnic with beach chair feeling at the Gourmet Restaurant Starcke House on the Schlossberg Here you can choose from 3 different beach chair packages and enjoy the togetherness with the finest delicacies in one of the two beach chairs. Picnic with the Lipizzaners If you’re dreaming of a romantic picnic and white horses, you’ve come to the right place. A picnic directly at the Lipizzaner stud farm Piber or on the Stubalm, the summer pasture of the young stallions.

All information about the picnic spots can be found here:Picknicken in der Erlebnisregion | Erlebnisregion Graz (


Foto credits:

@Graztourismus – Tomm Lamm, Harry Schiffer