Vienna › Heindl´s Schmarren und Palatschinkenkuchl

Heindl´s Schmarren und Palatschinkenkuchl

If there is one restaurant in Vienna that knows how to capture the soul of the capital and the entire country like no other, it would undoubtedly have to be Heindl’s Palatschinkenkuchl.

Here, in Grashofgasse in the middle of Vienna, you can experience a fine selection of pancakes in all conceivable variations and seasonal orientations day after day. Add to that other Kaiserschmarren specialties and wonderfully cozy rooms (and a sidewalk garden), and you can’t help but visit the Kuchl again and again. Whether you’re a Viennese or a visitor, be sure to try it out!

1010 Wien, Grashofgasse 4

Opening hours:
Monday-Sunday 11am – 11pm
Kitchen until 10pm